Flickr and Ravelry

You can find me on Flickr and Ravelry as kjsunflower.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fa La La La Felt

 Hello again! 
I wanted to show my newest craft books and a couple of things I made. 
I'm gearing up for Christmas, I have several things I want to make. 
I bough the Fa La La La Felt book, it has the cutest felt projects. My brother and I spent Saturday working on a couple things from this book. I'm new to working with felt, I must say, it's quite fun. I'm going to be making more from this book, it's got some sweet little projects in it.
This is a crochet ball ornament, I like the pattern but I don't like how this sparkle yarn looks. I'll probably make more with a different yarn. Then you just had the little hooks to hang it on the tree.
 Another craft book I bought, it has several types of crafts in it. I said I think it's for kids, so it will probably work for me. I can't sew very well and since I am just starting in felt I figured it would be a good starter book. I haven't made anything out of it yet but I plan on doing that in the next couple of days.
I made this crochet bell. A good pattern only I want to add a row to the bottom that flares out a bit more.
It's cute though and makes me think of my grandma and all the old ornaments she has for her tree. 

 I made this from the Fa La La La Felt book.
I love gingerbread projects of any kind! I had a lot of fun making this at my brother's, he made one too. I didn't have any ribbon but some old rick rack did the trick!
This is the other project I made from that book, a ginger doll.
I had a little trouble with her but she's still cute.
I definitely want to make more out of that book, it's got some adorable stuff in it. 
Like the picture on the front, I want to make those trees. 
So I've been kinda busy with projects and reading and I just discovered The FlyLady's site. I'm a terrible cleaning person, not the everyday things but the deep cleaning kind of stuff.
It's overwhelming so I was happy to find her and see if I can manage things better with a little help. It's easier having some direction sometimes! 
Okay, I'm off, I've been fiddling on the computer for way to long (it is rather addicting!) so I'd better go do something that needs doing! Happy day to all! 


1 comment:

  1. I have the FaLaLaLa Felt book also and love it, But, alas, I have not had time to actually make anything yet! :(
