This, That & The Other
A blog for this and that, my crochet, cooking, reading and family.
Flickr and Ravelry
You can find me on Flickr and Ravelry as kjsunflower.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your families and the holidays, I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sunflower Wall Hanging
This is the beautiful sunflower wall hanging I told you about. I still have not hung it up but I wanted to show you anyway. My brother Chris made it as a surprise for me. He used the sunflower pattern found on Dawn's blog, Fiddlesticks. The rest he made up himself. I soooooooo love it, it's awesome, the best part being that it's from my brother, who as I've said, is my best friend. We're now working on tree skirts, I'll show that soon as well. Till next time....
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Hello again! Popping in to show a couple of things..
This is one of the afghans I was talking about, it uses the woven stitch. I got the pattern from Hooked on Needles. Pattern here.
I relly like this stitch, it moves fast and has a great texture. This will feel great to snuggle under and read!
Then I have my blue owl, my brother and I both made one. I think he's pretty daughter wants one too. The pattern is from zoomyummy. Easy, great tutorial and pictures. I want to make a couple more, I want one for the cabin when we get it done.
I set him next to the first owl pillow I made, that was from a free sheet I found at Jo-ann's. I might have to start a collection..

Finally, a bit of fall. I made a handfull of things, I did forget to add a leaf I made to the picture. I have also finished another pumpkin like the large orange one but it is gold. I'll have to get a picture soon. I also found a few things I made a while back that I forgot about.
The orange pumpkin is a pattern from Lilana Wofsey Dohnert. The acorn and cornicopa are also from her. The leaf I made as well.
The pumpkin, squash and eggplant are free from Lion Brand. The indian corn I made from two different patterns. The tomato is from Lily sugar and cream. Last are the other three pumkins, all made from a pattern in Stitch Craft Create magazine. I've been busy..and my brother and I started a granny tree skirt fingers are busy busy! Hope all is well for everyone..
This is one of the afghans I was talking about, it uses the woven stitch. I got the pattern from Hooked on Needles. Pattern here.
I relly like this stitch, it moves fast and has a great texture. This will feel great to snuggle under and read!
Then I have my blue owl, my brother and I both made one. I think he's pretty daughter wants one too. The pattern is from zoomyummy. Easy, great tutorial and pictures. I want to make a couple more, I want one for the cabin when we get it done.
I set him next to the first owl pillow I made, that was from a free sheet I found at Jo-ann's. I might have to start a collection..
Finally, a bit of fall. I made a handfull of things, I did forget to add a leaf I made to the picture. I have also finished another pumpkin like the large orange one but it is gold. I'll have to get a picture soon. I also found a few things I made a while back that I forgot about.
The orange pumpkin is a pattern from Lilana Wofsey Dohnert. The acorn and cornicopa are also from her. The leaf I made as well.
The pumpkin, squash and eggplant are free from Lion Brand. The indian corn I made from two different patterns. The tomato is from Lily sugar and cream. Last are the other three pumkins, all made from a pattern in Stitch Craft Create magazine. I've been busy..and my brother and I started a granny tree skirt fingers are busy busy! Hope all is well for everyone..
woven stitch
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hello...I got a couple of pictures on my computer so I want to show you two things I've made lately. I still have to take pictures of several other things but I have these two for today.
I made a sunflower using Dawns pattern. Her website is called Fiddlesticks and you can find the pattern here. Actually takes you to the current page but the pattern is in the July archives. Love her designs. And oh jeez, you should see the beautiful wall hanging my brother made from this, it was a surprise for me. I'll get pictures very soon, I need hubby's help hanging it up. It's so awesome..
The pumpkins I made using a pattern from the current issue of Stitch Craft Create magazine. I bought it at Walmart and I've seen it at the book store as well. Super easy and fast pattern, I made a huge one with giant homespun but sadly it looks terrible so no picture of it..I've alo made a cornicopia and some vegetables and have two afghans going..I'm on a rip as I said. Ooooohhhhh and a really sweet owl pillow, it's adorable!!!! I need to get the dang camera husband has had it up at Lowman a lot, trying to get a record of how the cabin building is going.
So busy things right now..I'm super stoked fall is coming, love love love it!!! I get fall fever instead of spring fever :) I think that's about it for now, I want to visit some blogs I have missed lately and work on my afghan some more, it's single crochet so it's going to take some time. Back soon with more pics..have a good one!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Oh hello hello hello!!!! I'm posting really fast, just wanted to pop in and tell you I'm in the middle of setting up my new computer, my old one pooped out and I've not been able to do anything. Sucks not having a computer!!! So once I get familiar with this one I would like to show you some of the things I've made lately, I've been on a roll... be back soon, thanks for you're patience!!!
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