Flickr and Ravelry
You can find me on Flickr and Ravelry as kjsunflower.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Merry Christmas everyone! Enjoy your families and the holidays, I wish you all the best!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Sunflower Wall Hanging
This is the beautiful sunflower wall hanging I told you about. I still have not hung it up but I wanted to show you anyway. My brother Chris made it as a surprise for me. He used the sunflower pattern found on Dawn's blog, Fiddlesticks. The rest he made up himself. I soooooooo love it, it's awesome, the best part being that it's from my brother, who as I've said, is my best friend. We're now working on tree skirts, I'll show that soon as well. Till next time....
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Hello again! Popping in to show a couple of things..
This is one of the afghans I was talking about, it uses the woven stitch. I got the pattern from Hooked on Needles. Pattern here.
I relly like this stitch, it moves fast and has a great texture. This will feel great to snuggle under and read!
Then I have my blue owl, my brother and I both made one. I think he's pretty daughter wants one too. The pattern is from zoomyummy. Easy, great tutorial and pictures. I want to make a couple more, I want one for the cabin when we get it done.
I set him next to the first owl pillow I made, that was from a free sheet I found at Jo-ann's. I might have to start a collection..

Finally, a bit of fall. I made a handfull of things, I did forget to add a leaf I made to the picture. I have also finished another pumpkin like the large orange one but it is gold. I'll have to get a picture soon. I also found a few things I made a while back that I forgot about.
The orange pumpkin is a pattern from Lilana Wofsey Dohnert. The acorn and cornicopa are also from her. The leaf I made as well.
The pumpkin, squash and eggplant are free from Lion Brand. The indian corn I made from two different patterns. The tomato is from Lily sugar and cream. Last are the other three pumkins, all made from a pattern in Stitch Craft Create magazine. I've been busy..and my brother and I started a granny tree skirt fingers are busy busy! Hope all is well for everyone..
This is one of the afghans I was talking about, it uses the woven stitch. I got the pattern from Hooked on Needles. Pattern here.
I relly like this stitch, it moves fast and has a great texture. This will feel great to snuggle under and read!
Then I have my blue owl, my brother and I both made one. I think he's pretty daughter wants one too. The pattern is from zoomyummy. Easy, great tutorial and pictures. I want to make a couple more, I want one for the cabin when we get it done.
I set him next to the first owl pillow I made, that was from a free sheet I found at Jo-ann's. I might have to start a collection..
Finally, a bit of fall. I made a handfull of things, I did forget to add a leaf I made to the picture. I have also finished another pumpkin like the large orange one but it is gold. I'll have to get a picture soon. I also found a few things I made a while back that I forgot about.
The orange pumpkin is a pattern from Lilana Wofsey Dohnert. The acorn and cornicopa are also from her. The leaf I made as well.
The pumpkin, squash and eggplant are free from Lion Brand. The indian corn I made from two different patterns. The tomato is from Lily sugar and cream. Last are the other three pumkins, all made from a pattern in Stitch Craft Create magazine. I've been busy..and my brother and I started a granny tree skirt fingers are busy busy! Hope all is well for everyone..
woven stitch
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hello...I got a couple of pictures on my computer so I want to show you two things I've made lately. I still have to take pictures of several other things but I have these two for today.
I made a sunflower using Dawns pattern. Her website is called Fiddlesticks and you can find the pattern here. Actually takes you to the current page but the pattern is in the July archives. Love her designs. And oh jeez, you should see the beautiful wall hanging my brother made from this, it was a surprise for me. I'll get pictures very soon, I need hubby's help hanging it up. It's so awesome..
The pumpkins I made using a pattern from the current issue of Stitch Craft Create magazine. I bought it at Walmart and I've seen it at the book store as well. Super easy and fast pattern, I made a huge one with giant homespun but sadly it looks terrible so no picture of it..I've alo made a cornicopia and some vegetables and have two afghans going..I'm on a rip as I said. Ooooohhhhh and a really sweet owl pillow, it's adorable!!!! I need to get the dang camera husband has had it up at Lowman a lot, trying to get a record of how the cabin building is going.
So busy things right now..I'm super stoked fall is coming, love love love it!!! I get fall fever instead of spring fever :) I think that's about it for now, I want to visit some blogs I have missed lately and work on my afghan some more, it's single crochet so it's going to take some time. Back soon with more pics..have a good one!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Oh hello hello hello!!!! I'm posting really fast, just wanted to pop in and tell you I'm in the middle of setting up my new computer, my old one pooped out and I've not been able to do anything. Sucks not having a computer!!! So once I get familiar with this one I would like to show you some of the things I've made lately, I've been on a roll... be back soon, thanks for you're patience!!!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Hello........ I have been gone awhile! My computer totally went on the fritz and my brother helped me to finally get it fixed. So much problems! Sadly too, my computer had a virus that was eating certain files so I've lost all but a few pictures :( I'm so crushed, I had vacation pictures and video of my daughter graduating elementary school, among lots of other things. So I have to start fresh! I do have a few pics on my camera and I'm ready to take some of a couple other projects so I'll hopefully get to that soon. Thanks for stopping by, I"LL BE BACK....
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Bleah! Just what I need, another crochet fascination!
I tell you, I can't find time to crochet or read or anything! My husband is consumed with cabin this and cabin that and getting this outhouse we're building done. Which basically means I also have to be consumed with it too. I'm up to my eyeballs in it! I'm excited to have a small cabin but when my husband gets on a "project", that is all his mind will latch on to and he fully expects me to be there every second. I am completely different in that I have difficulty sticking projects out because there are so many things I want to do and my attention wanders all the time. I just bought a cute little five dollar crochet book at wal-mart, it has a couple owls, mushrooms and other animals in it. Fully intent on making said mushrooms, I've already been distracted by scrumbles. I've never worked freeform crochet but man I have seen some gorgeous makes out there! So now I want to see if I can do it. Only that leads to thinking I don't have any unique yarns to throw in the mix which leads to me wanting to shop! Not a bad thing but I do have to watch the spending. So all I have been able to do is drool over everyone's projects and try to figure out how to get my husband distracted so I can have some me time. I NEED some crochet time! That's whats been going on here so I have not posted much lately. I'm going to try to get some time to dig through my yarn or maybe come up with some sketches of ideas for free form. I think I'd like to make a wall hanging for my craft room. Do any of you free form? If so I'd love to hear all about it and see pics if you have any. I guess that's about it for now, if I get some time to actually try this out I'll show some photos. Unless it just stinks and would embarrass the hell out of me! Bye!!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
I'm a busy bee!
Hello! I feel like it's been a long time since I posted, it's been quite busy at my house lately. I've not had many chances to crochet lately or much of anything really. I did manage to finish my crochet hook case. Well, I still have to decorate the front, I just can't decide what I want to do with it yet. I really like the case though, plenty of room for bits and bobs and lots of hooks.
I have been busy helping my husband plan a very small cabin we are going to build on a lot we own in the mountains. We have quite a nice space as we don't have any neighbors very close. It's a unique space and very private. We plan on spending most of the summer working on this so I foresee that I will probably have a hard time working in some crochet. Do it I will though!
Today is my youngest sons b-day, he's thirteen! I'm quite blown away, it just does
not seem possible. My oldest son Seth is 22, he finally got a job (a huge miracle for him!) and I'm so super happy! I despaired that my oldest two would ever get on their own feet and now they both have jobs, Cody has a car and Seth is starting to study for his license. I'm a proud proud proud mamma!
I must be off even though I would like to still talk but I have to go get some errands done. Duty calls! Thanks for popping in!
I have been busy helping my husband plan a very small cabin we are going to build on a lot we own in the mountains. We have quite a nice space as we don't have any neighbors very close. It's a unique space and very private. We plan on spending most of the summer working on this so I foresee that I will probably have a hard time working in some crochet. Do it I will though!
Today is my youngest sons b-day, he's thirteen! I'm quite blown away, it just does
not seem possible. My oldest son Seth is 22, he finally got a job (a huge miracle for him!) and I'm so super happy! I despaired that my oldest two would ever get on their own feet and now they both have jobs, Cody has a car and Seth is starting to study for his license. I'm a proud proud proud mamma!
I must be off even though I would like to still talk but I have to go get some errands done. Duty calls! Thanks for popping in!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Hello! I've been a while checking back in. It's been a loooooooong week here. My youngest son Matthew has been sick for seven days straight, fighting a cold that turned into bronchitis and an ear infection. My poor baby can't seem to get a break! Midway through the week I was down with a fever also. No cooking or cleaning or laundry being done. Most importantly ( for me! ) no crocheting. It has sucked! I do have a couple of things to show that I did the last time I was at my brothers though. I bought a pattern awhile back, I think it was from stripey blue, and finally decided to try it. I only got the lid done, it was the end of the day by the time I got to this. So I'll have to get the bottom made up. Cute.
I also started a tin cover using Attic24's pattern. Still have to finish it. I just noticed that my pictures are awfully blurry. I think I might have to invest in a new camera, the one I have is quite old.
I did finish my little sprite doll! I saw a second one today that my brother made using bigger eyes and man it made quite a difference. I might have to do another as I'm not entirely happy with this one. At least I got her done!
On a different note, I bought Pioneer Woman's new cookbook, her second one. I love the first one and I dig her website.
Finally, my husband showed up with yellow roses, one of my fave colors. He's not the most romantic person in the world so it's nice when he actually does something like this. Brightened up my kitchen and cheered me up. So I'm on the mend and looking forward to some crochet time. Course I have all those icky chores and such to catch up on but I'll squeeze it in there somewhere! Everyone have a good weekend!
I also started a tin cover using Attic24's pattern. Still have to finish it. I just noticed that my pictures are awfully blurry. I think I might have to invest in a new camera, the one I have is quite old.
I did finish my little sprite doll! I saw a second one today that my brother made using bigger eyes and man it made quite a difference. I might have to do another as I'm not entirely happy with this one. At least I got her done!
On a different note, I bought Pioneer Woman's new cookbook, her second one. I love the first one and I dig her website.
Finally, my husband showed up with yellow roses, one of my fave colors. He's not the most romantic person in the world so it's nice when he actually does something like this. Brightened up my kitchen and cheered me up. So I'm on the mend and looking forward to some crochet time. Course I have all those icky chores and such to catch up on but I'll squeeze it in there somewhere! Everyone have a good weekend!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Owls, A Basket and A Sprite
My little family of owls is slowly growing. I made the two little ones super fast, it's a quick pattern.
I made this one first, he was quite tiny, which I have a hard time working with. My fingers want to cramp.
Then I made the little brown one. I used the pattern for the Austin Owl. Pattern is here.
I also made a chunky basket, using this pattern. I held two strands of Hometown USA yarn together, it is very thick. Then I added some flowers I made using Alice's pattern from Crochet with Raymond. Looks like it would be a good Easter basket. There on the bottom is a peek at what I'm working on now. I'm slow with the amigurumi that has several parts. It's going to be a little Sprite. Hope you enjoyed and I'll be back soon!
I made this one first, he was quite tiny, which I have a hard time working with. My fingers want to cramp.
Then I made the little brown one. I used the pattern for the Austin Owl. Pattern is here.
I also made a chunky basket, using this pattern. I held two strands of Hometown USA yarn together, it is very thick. Then I added some flowers I made using Alice's pattern from Crochet with Raymond. Looks like it would be a good Easter basket. There on the bottom is a peek at what I'm working on now. I'm slow with the amigurumi that has several parts. It's going to be a little Sprite. Hope you enjoyed and I'll be back soon!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Flower Decoration
Hello! Well I've been a bit busy lately but I managed a few squares for my blanket. I went to my brothers on Sunday and I made a flower decoration using Lucy's pattern. This is the bottom, I left off the heart but kept the flower and put a little bee button on it. This is one of the few times I've worked with beads and boy I really had fun!
These are the leaves and stem. It was easy to do and worked up fast.
The flower top. I'm not happy with the first couple rows but I liked it better after adding the ladybug button. Again more beads, I'll need to find another project using them!
Sort of a close up. It's so long it's hard to fit in the picture.
Hanging up. Not where it will stay but I wanted the picture against a bit of white. The directions say to pin and glue the back but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that. I think it hangs okay as is. maybe later. Lots of fun to make. There are MANY pics in the directions, what I do is print a pic of the finished item, then a few of parts that have details I might need to see. Then I write out the pattern on the pages I printed the pictures on. Saves on ink. I like the way Lucy does her patterns, great for beginners and everyone in between. I think she could easily write a crochet book! Anyhow, I'm off to school soon so I must be off. Have a good one!
These are the leaves and stem. It was easy to do and worked up fast.
The flower top. I'm not happy with the first couple rows but I liked it better after adding the ladybug button. Again more beads, I'll need to find another project using them!
Sort of a close up. It's so long it's hard to fit in the picture.
Hanging up. Not where it will stay but I wanted the picture against a bit of white. The directions say to pin and glue the back but I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that. I think it hangs okay as is. maybe later. Lots of fun to make. There are MANY pics in the directions, what I do is print a pic of the finished item, then a few of parts that have details I might need to see. Then I write out the pattern on the pages I printed the pictures on. Saves on ink. I like the way Lucy does her patterns, great for beginners and everyone in between. I think she could easily write a crochet book! Anyhow, I'm off to school soon so I must be off. Have a good one!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Hello again!! I haven't posted for a few days as my twenty year old son was in a car wreck. It's been several days back and forth with my husband, going over to work on the car. We thought we were good but now he's having issues with the gas tank. So back we'll go. Cody is okay, he had a concussion and whiplash but we got to the docs and got him some medicine. So it's been busy busy busy!
In between running around I have taken pics of my craft room as it looks right now. The closet also. Shameful! In my defense, the kids also use the room and add to the general mess.
I have decided I want to repaint the room. I despise the color I have now. I want a nice creamy background for pictures and crafts to stand out against.
I really want to learn to sew and my husband has said he will teach me to use the sewing machine. So I need to make room for that.
This is how my closet looks, a mass of messiness! I have bag upon bag of yarn, different crafts and supplies stuffed in here.
Unfinished projects waiting for my attention.
This is probably what I will tackle this weekend. I need to make myself get rid of things I don't use and get everything else organized.
This is some of my little fabric stash. I looooooooooove fabric and I want so bad to learn to sew, I want to make some patchwork crafts.
My newest craft book, I really like felt projects too.
Finally I bought a sketch book and colored pencils. So I can get things down in color to give me a better visual of my ideas. That's about it for now, I'll be back with pics of a (hopefully) clean craft closet and maybe a bit of a project. Have a good one!
In between running around I have taken pics of my craft room as it looks right now. The closet also. Shameful! In my defense, the kids also use the room and add to the general mess.
I have decided I want to repaint the room. I despise the color I have now. I want a nice creamy background for pictures and crafts to stand out against.
I really want to learn to sew and my husband has said he will teach me to use the sewing machine. So I need to make room for that.
This is how my closet looks, a mass of messiness! I have bag upon bag of yarn, different crafts and supplies stuffed in here.
Unfinished projects waiting for my attention.
This is probably what I will tackle this weekend. I need to make myself get rid of things I don't use and get everything else organized.
This is some of my little fabric stash. I looooooooooove fabric and I want so bad to learn to sew, I want to make some patchwork crafts.
My newest craft book, I really like felt projects too.
Finally I bought a sketch book and colored pencils. So I can get things down in color to give me a better visual of my ideas. That's about it for now, I'll be back with pics of a (hopefully) clean craft closet and maybe a bit of a project. Have a good one!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
My Red Owl
Hi! Thought I'd show off my little owl, the first I've made. My brother spent the day over yesterday and this is what we worked on. We only got as far as having the head done before he left then I finished it in the evening. I have the head done for another one but am not liking my color choices. I already have the eyes snapped in though so I'll go ahead and finish it.
This is a close up where I joined the latest squares I made. I was all done then realized I had used a different joining then before. I had worked on something else that I was using a different method for and went on to my afghan continuing that method. I turned it over to check out the whole thing and realized what I did. Tantrum throwing at this discovery. You can see the difference but I'm hoping with the whole thing done maybe it won't be so obvious. I was rather mad at myself and not wanting to look at it till I simmered down so I made my owl and distracted myself. I'm ready to continue on though.
Slow going but I already love this little bit and can't wait to snuggle with it.
Hope your all enjoying your crochet, I'm going to check out now and do some blog hopping. Have a good one!
This is a close up where I joined the latest squares I made. I was all done then realized I had used a different joining then before. I had worked on something else that I was using a different method for and went on to my afghan continuing that method. I turned it over to check out the whole thing and realized what I did. Tantrum throwing at this discovery. You can see the difference but I'm hoping with the whole thing done maybe it won't be so obvious. I was rather mad at myself and not wanting to look at it till I simmered down so I made my owl and distracted myself. I'm ready to continue on though.
Slow going but I already love this little bit and can't wait to snuggle with it.
Hope your all enjoying your crochet, I'm going to check out now and do some blog hopping. Have a good one!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Mini Garland
Isn't this mini bunting adorable? I saw this on Attic24 and couldn't resist. I've only tried working with something this small once and I just had big fumble fingers! I love bunting though so I pushed on and made this last night. Not too much cursing involved so I'm encouraged to try something else sometime. You can find the pattern here.
Also a very big thank you to everyone for all the lovely comments!
Also a very big thank you to everyone for all the lovely comments!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Granny Square Apron
Hello! Just a pop in to show a little apron I made. I saw one at Tangled Happy's and thought of some squares I had sitting abandoned in my closet. The one I saw uses eight squares but I used twelve. I wanted it a little longer and to go further around. So it was quick to put together as I only had to sew the squares together, edge it and make the tie. Easy and cute! You can find the pattern here.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Sweet Pot covers
Well here is my sweet pot cover. I used LemondedeSucrette's pattern and I think it's quite sweet. The idea was to put it on a jelly jar but I crochet loosely and it seemed too big. I've had this candle hanging about for awhile and it fit quite nicely on it.
You can find the patternhere.
And here is my finished amazing scarf. Love the color changes in the yarn, I'm trying to figure out if I want another scarf with the rainforest color I bought. Later though as I am plodding along on my big afghan. It's going to take a lot longer then I thought so I'm going to relax about it and just keep at it in between little things. I just can't resist the little things! I have two empty cans of tuna waiting for prettiness using Lucy's pattern at Attic24. She always comes up with the cutest things that add a spot of lovely here and there in the house. I also want to make her candle cozy. If only we had several hands and all the hours of the day to just crochet. Heaven!
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